Friday, March 30, 2007

The Canadian Conversation: Muslims & Gender Equality

Michael Adams, the president of the polling firm Environics, wrote an interesting piece titled The Canadian Conversation in Tuesday's Globe and Mail. Here's an excerpt:

What Canadians are saying is two things. Bienvenue au Canada and read the Charter. In it, you will see we have two core values: freedom and equality. Freedom to be yourself (within the confines of the law) and equality, our way of achieving freedom. First and foremost, women are equal to men. The vast majority of Canadians have rejected patriarchy, which is part of the reason many of us have questioned and often rejected traditional religious belief and practice. We do not require you to reject your religion (religious freedom is protected in our beloved Charter, too), but we do expect you to embrace our value of gender equality. That, in a nutshell, is our concern with sharia law. It also lies at the root of our sometimes irrational-seeming reaction to head scarves. We worry hijabs are signs of patriarchy rather than expressions of Muslim women's lib. But we may be wrong; let's talk.

Let's talk indeed. The values of gender equality can vary depending on perspective. The common view may be to allow for women whatever is allowed for men, and vice versa. And when there appears to be something that isn't the same for both (for example, distribution of wealth in inheritance or type of dress), it seems to be out of line with the concept of gender equality.

Many Muslims look at it from a different perspective. They hold that while both men are women are equal in the eyes of God (i.e. they are held equally accountable/are rewarded for their actions, bad and good), both are inherently different. Men's bodies are different from women's, women's bodies can do what men's can't, and both have their own strengths and weaknesses. Even their minds work differently.

These differences don't make any one better than the other. They're just different.

And because of these differences, many Muslims believe God has given different functions to each, to optimize their productivity in the areas each is more proficient in.

So, since women in general are more sensitive and caring, God has given them the privilege of bearing children (and thus mothers have three times the reward from God and three times higher status compared to men when it comes to parenting), while men, due to their relatively higher levels of physical strength and stamina (in general) have been charged with duties that often have to do with labour and hard work, such as being the main breadwinner of the household.

And that's where the perceived inequality in inheritance comes in. Being the one responsible for the care of the entire family (not to mention seniors such as parents and grandparents too), men are given a greater share of inheritance, while women generally enjoy a smaller share -- by themselves.

As for dress, many Muslims, especially women, will tell you how disappointed they are with the rampant objectification of women in our society, including Canadian society. Despite the "official" image that women aren't treated differently than men, we all know of how females are viewed and treated by males (in the workplace, at school, on the streets, in bars, etc.) and how society at large treats (i.e. uses) women (in the media, women's roles in films, advertising, even the evening newscast!).

"Is this the gender equality the Charter talks about?" wonder many Muslims.

When Canadian Muslim women "cover up" (practically all out of their free will), either with the hijab, niqab or the burqa, they are making a statement: leave me alone, I am not a sex object; value me for who I am, not what I look like.

The choice to dress in whichever manner one wishes to is part of the fundamental right to expression. If men and women have the right to uncover to the point where they are practically naked, why can't they do the opposite?

In the end, it's a matter of personal choice and individual freedoms. Canadian Muslims don't tell anyone what they should or shouldn't be doing, and they especially don't tell others how to practice their faith and what others should believe in. They'd appreciate the same in return.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Muslim organizations must be ready for considerably more resources in Quebec

The election results in Quebec are not final yet, but a Liberal minority government seems to be in the picture with the right-wing ADQ a close second. The only thing that could have been worse would have been an ADQ victory. With such a strong force in Quebec City (41 seats! vs. 46 for the Liberals), anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant stances will no doubt get a boost.

Quebec Muslims pushed to the sidelines in election

Election results from Quebec's provincial election are streaming in tonight, but many Muslims are watching from the sidelines, just as they did during the election campaign.

The problem is that all of the three main parties have shown varying shades of anti-Muslim colours.

The Action Democratique du Quebec (ADQ), formed in 1994, is led by Mario Dumont. The party is seen as a magnet for radical right-wingers, the Stephen Harper and former-Reform party types. The party has never held more than five seats in the provincial legislature, yet it enjoyed a wave of popularity in this election. Muslims have nothing to gain from the party and everything to lose. Dumont was front and centre in stoking the fire of the reasonable accommodation issue and we seen as the leading anti-Muslim (and anti-immigrant in general) politician. He missed no opportunity to speak against minorities. The ADQ is currently tied for first with the Liberals and an ADQ win will make Quebec a very difficult place to live for Muslims and all religious and cultural minorities. In discussions with the Muslim Council of Montreal, the ADQ indicated that it will take steps to ban the hijab in public buildings.

The Parti Quebecois (PQ) is Quebec's separatist party and is led by Andre Boisclair. Formed in 1968, it has governed Quebec for over 15 years since 1970 yet has never been able to achieve its dream of Quebec independence from Canada. The PQ has support from some Muslim circles, especially those with french-speaking Muslims. Boisclair is gay and took the softest stance (out of all three leaders) in the Asmahan Mansour soccer hijab controversy, when he slammed Premier and Liberal leader Jean Charest for his comments in support of the referee's ruling against Asmahan. But Boisclair got himself into hot water during the campaign by referring to Asians with a "slanted-eyes" comment. The PQ too has indicated, in discussions with the Muslim Council of Montreal, that it would support some sort of action against hijabs.

The Liberal Party of Quebec is the federalist (i.e. against separation from Canada) governing party and is led by Jean Charest. Although normally the choice of immigrants and minorities, the Liberals have taken a conservative slant since Charest, a former federal Conservative cabinet minister, took the helm. Charest came out in support of the referee's anti-hijab decision against Asmahan and the Liberals amended the Immigration Act to limit the number of immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries. The Liberal party was the only major party that didn't indicate that it would work against hijabs in the public places, but it doesn't have a good record of keeping promises.

Many Muslims also haven't forgotten the motion brought forward by Liberal member Fatima Houda-Pepin (who has just been re-elected) against Shariah-based family arbitration following a similar debate in neighbouring Ontario. It banned the use of Shariah-based family tribunals in Quebec and went on to advise other provinces in Canada to do the same. The motion passed unanimously in Quebec's National Assembly (legislature). Every single member, from the Liberals, the PQ and the ADQ, voted in support of the motion.

Thus, for the most part, Muslims were left on the sidelines (except in ridings where they banded together to get rid of an anti-Muslim candidate), registering protest votes by voting for smaller parties such as the Green party and Quebec Solidaire, neither of which had a chance of making a dent.

As it stands now (9:36 pm), all three parties are in a tight race (within three percentage points of each other). Yet, Muslims have nothing much to look forward to. The only thing they can pray for is a loss for the ADQ.